The AVMA Constitution directs and guides it’s members in their decisions for the benefits of the entire Association. Over 30 years old, it is regularly updated to reflect current state of the vegetation management field.

Atlantic Vegetation Management Association


Revised September 2005

Article I – Name

This association shall be known as the Atlantic Vegetation Management Association

Article II – Objectives

To continually review and disseminate scientific, technical and public information on the materials and practices used in vegetation management.

To encourage and correlate the research, development and implementation of proper vegetation management practices and make recommendations on plant control products, equipment, procedure and practices.

To review existing and proposed government legislation affecting plant control products.

Encourage uniformity of regulations and guidelines related to vegetation management practices.

Develop training aids for Vegetation Control Operators.

Promote sound practices related to environmental assessment, resource utilization and monitoring.

Function as an advisory group relative to vegetation management practices in Atlantic Provinces.

To further the development of effective means of vegetation control consistent with concerns for human health and for environmental quality.

Article III – Membership

Membership shall be on an individual basis.

A member shall be anyone who is employed in work relating to vegetation management (research, maintenance, development, product marketing, regulation, extension services and other occupation) as acceptable to the Executive.

Article IV – Privileges

All members may attend and take part in meetings of the Association. They shall receive the Association’s Minutes, Proceedings, Newsletter and any other material sent general distribution to the membership.

All members shall have voting privileges.

All members shall be eligible to hold office.

Article V – Fees

The shall be an annual membership fee of $50.00 per annum

The Executive shall review the membership fee annually to assure adequate financing for the sound operation of the Association.

The annual membership for first time members will be $25.00 per annum. Subject to change by the Executive.

For all members there shall be a registration fee, as decided by the Executive, to cover miscellaneous meeting expenses.

Article VI – Officers

The Executive of this Association shall consist of the following: Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Technical Advisor, Public Relations Advisor and Three Directors to be elected according to the By-laws.

A quorum of the Executive shall consist of four members, one of whom shall be the Chairmen or Vice-Chairman.

Article VII – Duties of the Officers

The Executive shall have general charge of the affairs of this Association and, subject to the constitutional resolutions and By-laws, may appoint, at any time, committees or individual members for specific purposes, and exercise governing authority in the administration of this Association including finances and matters of policy.

The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of this Association and the Executive. He shall authorize meetings of this Association and the Executive when necessary and perform all the necessary functions of his office.

The Vice-Chairman shall exercise the rights and powers of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of this Association, of the Executive and of all committees and shall deliver such records to the successor in the office.

The treasurer shall also keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and shall present a financial statement at the annual meeting.

Directors shall assist the Executive by representing their province or discipline. A Director may require to assist in planning and coordinating any annual meeting to be held in his area.

The Technical Advisor shall provide technical information and services as required.

The Immediate Past Chairman shall act as the Chairman of the nomination committee and as chairman of the organizing committee for the annual meeting.

The Public Relations Advisor shall supervise the publication of the “UPDATE” and provide advice to the Executive and Association on communications and public relations.

The Second Year Director shall as chairperson for the Membership Committee.

The member appointed to represent the Association on the Canadian Vegetation Management Alliance shall report to the Executive.

Article VIII – Meetings

A meeting of the Association shall be held annually. For the Purposes of conducting business at the annual meeting, a quorum shall consist of at least twenty members in good standing.

In addition to an annual meeting, other meetings may be arranged, pursuant to the objects of the Association, for and by the Executive provided that the Secretary be advised of such meetings at least two weeks in advance and be supplied with a report of such meetings immediately thereafter.

A meeting shall be conducted in a host province provided that a minimum of 3 members in good standing reside in that province

Article IX – Amendments

This constitution may be amended by special mail ballot or at any annual meeting of this Association at which there is a quorum consisting of at least twenty members in good standing.

No amendment shall be put to a vote at an annual meeting unless written notice of the amendment shall have been mailed to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which a vote shall be taken.

Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the Executive or by any five members of this Association. In the case of amendments proposed by members, the Executive Council shall consider such amendments and submit them to the membership with their recommendations.