By-Law 1 – Amendments

By-laws may be amended or adopted by special mail ballot or at any annual meeting of this Association at which there is a quorum consisting of at least twenty members in good standing.

No change in the By-laws shall be put to a vote at an annual meeting unless written notice of the change shall have been mailed to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which a vote will be taken.

By-Law 2 – Nominations for Executive

The Immediate Past Chairmen shall act as chairman of the nomination committee which shall include the present Chairman and the third year Director and this committee shall call for nominations for positions on the Executive.

The Vice-Chairman shall automatically succeed the Chairmanship

Nominations shall be sought for Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors as their term expires.

Nominations for all positions shall be over the signature of any three members and shall contain written consent of the nominee.

All nominations shall be in the hands of the nomination committee not later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting.

The nomination committee shall obtain the assent of all candidates for nomination before the presenting the completed list of the candidates on the ballot form.

The Technical Advisor, the Association’s representative on the Canadian Vegetation Management Alliance and Public Relations Advisor shall be appointed by the Executive annually.

By-Laws 3 – Election of Executive Council

The election shall be conducted at the annual meeting. All members are entitled to vote.

Voting shall be by ballot and marked “X”. The candidates receiving the largest number of votes for each position shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote, the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.

Ballots shall be counted by three scrutineers appointed by the Chairman.

By-Law 4 – Terms of Office

The members of the Executive shall assume office just prior to the item of new business at the annual business meeting.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office for one year or until their successors have been installed in office.

The Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for a two year period.

The Directors shall hold for a three year period. Elections shall be on a rotational basis with one Director being elected each year.

By-Law 5 – Vacancies

Any vacancies occurring in the executive or committee during their term of office may be filled by appointment made by the Executive. Such appointees shall hold office only until the next meeting.

By-Law 6 – Dissolution

In the event that the Atlantic Vegetation Management Association is dissolved, any and all assets or balance in the account is to be donated to a non-profit charitable organization as decided by the Executive of the time.