wordpressmyavma.ca is an interactive website using a blogging format. The blogging format, using powerful WordPress technology, allows the site to be constantly updated by users that have been given permission to do so.

The site is meant to be an information storehouse with the ability to deliver updated content to you in a timely fashion. Whether you visit the site online or have content delivered to your email inbox, the site, being dynamic in nature, will keep you informed of all happenings in your association.

Anyone can participate in this blog but all users must be registered. Once registered, you will have permission to comment on articles. The registration process is easy. Just click here to register.

Some users may wish to do more than comment on blog submissions. Those users wishing to submit articles, information, or any other other content will have to submit a request. But first, you will need to register as a regular user. Once registered then send your request to myavma@gmail.com and, if approved, your account will be upgraded to Editor Status.

Generally this status is only reserved to paid members of the association, but the association realizes that there may be non-members with important information to share. If that is you, then please submit your request and we will evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.

Sometimes your comments may not directly appear because I have a sophisticated spam-detector hiding behind the scenes. Blogs tend to be targets of spammers that like to flood the comment sections with garbage. Your comments may get caught in the cross-fire. If that happens, hopefully we will find it in the trash can and restore it. If not then please send an email to myavma@gmail.com telling us the problem you are having. Also please be respectful of the opinions of others. Rude or inappropriate comments will be deleted and your account may be suspended.

myavma reserves the right to remove any user account at anytime.


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Opportunities in Vegetation Management
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Attention Employers: Want to list a job? Send details to myavma2022@gmail.com